Tips to Help You Get Through a Hard Move | Moving Company San Francisco

Dec 8, 2017

As we all know, and most of us have experienced at least once, moving at the best of times is difficult. So, when you add the extra emotional stress of a major life change, such as a divorce, death or economic crisis, a move can be a breaking point.

The hard part is that many people in this situation have to move – as opposed to wanting to – because of the reasons above. Feeling that they don’t have a choice in their decision to move, many feel that their lives are spinning out of control.


If you’re in this situation, and a move is something you must do, then there are some tips to consider to help you through this extremely difficult time. And remember, you’re not just moving into a new home, you’re moving into a new life.

Take What You Need

When emotions are involved, our personal things tend to comfort us and make us feel more secure, especially when our lives feel like they are anything but secure. Take what you need to help you get through. If you’re having a hard time making a decision about whether to move something or not, move it and make the decision at a later time when you feel ready.

The last word on this is, do what you have to do to get through.

Try Not to Make Rash Decisions


Before you throw out everything attached to a bad memory (the opposite of the first tip), step back and consider if it’s something you really can’t live with. If you can’t – you really can’t – get rid of it.


Ask for Help

Our pride can be such a hindrance sometimes, making us feel like we should be able to handle the situation on our own. Don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help. People around you often feel so helpless as they watch you struggle through that asking them to do something for you can not only help you, but can make them feel useful, too. Everyone wins!

So, if you need some tasks done, or you need help packing or sorting things (like the neighbor who kindly sorted my mother’s clothes) or you need a babysitter, ask your friends, family and neighbors.

If you’re having a hard time making a decision about the move or about the choices you’re about to make, talk it out with a friend or counselor – someone who has your best interest at heart.

Professional help is always such a support during times like this; they can help clarify your situation and assist you in making some difficult decisions.

Be Good to Yourself

Starting a new life is emotionally and physically draining. Be good to yourself during this time. If you’re tired, get a good nights sleep; if you’re wanting time alone, give it to yourself. Go get your hair styled or get a massage or take some time to watch a movie or two, even if you feel like there’s so much to do. By giving yourself what you need, you’re allowing yourself to heal.

Remember, you’re going to feel tired, exhausted and drained. That’s part of the process, so stop being hard on yourself, ask for help, and talk it out to someone. And above all, take a deep breath, hug your kids and know that your life will get better – it just takes time.


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