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Why do I help children develop self-esteem?

My late wife was pestering me as to why I spent so much time coaching and writing youth sports. My reply: “Laura, everything you love about me; self confidence, persistence, patience, commitment, work ethic, I got playing sports as a kid.” This is my way of giving back the gift given to me by so many coaches, players, and generous people. 

Beyond the Laces” An ill child finds hope in an unexpected performance from his star football player. This book is being bought and donated by the cases to give to hospitalized children to provide hope through kindness.

Playing Catch With Destiny” by Michael Williamsen. A true story of a Chicago Cubs pitcher

and his choice to follow the dream of playing professional baseball or mission of helping children with sensory deficits. Minor league baseball is a game you won’t see on the big screen at the sports bar. For the players, it goes way past a game; their biggest challenges aren’t on the ball field one you’d least expect.

“A Glove of Their Own” Teaching the gift of giving. Children find old, tattered, baseball equipment and begin to play, no rule book, no scoreboard, no coaches and no parents. An observer presents them a bag of used equipment. One player hugs a glove and says “there is nothing better than having a glove of my own.”

The next thing better than getting a glove of their own, is being the one giving it to them. This book has launched an international movement to provide used unwanted sports equipment to children to develop self esteem through sports. 

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